This is all about Tatsuoka Castle Ruins you want to know.
Every information you get on this site will be from a credible source based on Japanese history (books for reference).

【The japanese castle history materials No.14】 by Imperial Japanese Army Construction Department Headquarters producted in 1913~1945 from 国立国会図書館
The Japanese castle history materials were collected from the early Taishō era in order to compile the history of the castle by the former Japanese Army Construction Department Headquarters. However, due to the sudden change in the world situation and because it is not the original task of the Army Construction Department, the work does not proceed, then the end of the war is reached at the stage of collecting materials.
Profile : Tatsuoka Castle Ruins
Location | Saku City, Nagano Prefecture |
Also known as | Tatsuoka-Jō-Goryōkaku |
Type of castle | Flatland |
Mountain's name | ー |
Elevation | ー |
Condition | Ruins |
Designation | National Historic Sites |
Year built | 1864~1867 |
Abolished | 1871 |
Castle lord | Matsudaira Norikata |
Refurbishment lord | ー |

Photographer : K. Ogawa - Heroic Japan -
A History of the War between China & Japan ; F. Warrington Wastlake and Yamada Yoshiaki ; Sampsan Low, Marston & Company ; London 1897
He named himself Ogyū Yuzuru after the Meiji Restoration, worked hard to establish the Japanese Red Cross Society. The bust is built in Tatsuoka Castle Goryōkaku.

The family crest was originally created from the pattern that the emperor and the royal family put on the kimono, and the pattern was made into a fixed pattern, and the one attached to his own oxcart is said to be the beginning of the family crest. The warlords drew large crests on the flag-fingers, used to distinguish enemy views on the battlefield, and used by the generals to determine which warlords were active and how much.
Tatsuoka Castle admission
admission fee : free
admission time : free ※Reservation required for "Odaidokoro" tour
closing period : reference offficial site
Tatsuoka Castle Google Map
Tatsuoka Castle Images

As the name suggests, it is a building that serves as a cooking facility and a vassal station for the lord and his family.
It is currently the site of an elementary school, so it is not possible to tour freely, but holidays are open (inquiries required).
Link : unique style japanese castle
【north japan】 Goryōkaku