
Akita Castle : A Study of Japanese Bibliography

This is all about Akita Castle Ruins you want to know.
Every information you get on this site will be from a credible source based on Japanese history (books for reference).

Color aerial photograph of Akita Castle from National image information
by Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

The red line is the outline and the green line is the government office. The blue square is the outer east gate.

Profile : Akita Castle Ruins

LocationAkita City, Akita Prefecture
Also known asDewanoki(出羽柵)
Type of castleHilltop
Mountain's name
ConditionNo main keep but reconstructed other buildings
DesignationNational Historic Sites
Year built733
Abolishedabout 11th century
Castle lordYamato Imperial Court
Refurbishment lord

Akita Castle admission

admission fee : 210yen (Adult) for free (under high school students) ※History Museum of Akita Fort Ruins
admission time : am9:00-pm4:30
closing period : December 29 - January 3 reference official site

Akita Castle Google Map

Akita Castle Images 

Akita Castle is an ancient castle fence that was built from the Nara period to the Heian period and became the base for the Ezo. Originally called "Dewa fence," it became Akita Castle in 760. In the Nara era, a national government that politics Dewakuni was set up, and at the time, it was the center of politics, culture and military on the Sea of ​​Japan side of Tōhoku district. In addition to Tsugaru (Aomori prefecture) and Ōshima (Hokkaido), it is thought to have played an important role as a base for trade and exchanges with the North Sea, such as the continent of Bokkai (Northeastern China). At present, the east gate of Akita Castle and part of the Tsuiji fence have been restored and are now being maintained as Takashimizu Park.
Restored Castle Outer East gate and Tsuiji fence
The East Gate and Tsuiji Fence, which were completed in 1997 , have been restored to their original appearance. This gate is followed by a 12m wide road
Restored ancient flushing toilet
It is one of the important remains of Akita Castle. The facility consists of a stilt pillar building, a toilet tank, a settling tank, a wooden gutter, and a blind wall. It is thought that the structure had a waiting room-like space at the entrance on the eaves side, and had three private rooms beyond that. As a mechanism, it is thought that it was a flush type that drained the filth accumulated in the underfloor toilet of the private room to the swamp through the gutter. At that time, in order to reduce the pollution of the swamp, a settling tank was set up, and it seems that the clean system was devised so that only the supernatant liquid, which has less dirt, was allowed to flow. Regarding the flushing, it is considered that there was no water transfer facility, so it was thought that the structure was such that the water such as the pot prepared in the private room was drained after use, and the structure was similar to the modern simple flush toilet (from Wikipedia).
Ruins of the government office area
The central part of Akita Castle, which is also called the government office area, which is divided into east-west 94m and north-south 77m. There were buildings such as the main hall and the side hall.
Ruins of well
Ruins of buildings in Unoki area
Akita ruin of a castle historic park 

Link : Ancient Japanese Castle Ruins over 1200years ago

【north japan】Taga Castle 【west japan】Kino Castle 【south japan】Yoshinogari Ruins 【north japan】Akita Castle
